Articles & Resources

Encouraging Affirmations for Birth

No matter what kind of birth you are planning, positive and encouraging words of affirmation are an amazing tool to …
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Positive Affirmations for Natural Birth & Tips

No matter what kind of birth you’re planning – positive birth affirmations are a must!Here are some tips when choosing …
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Positive Affirmations for Natural Birth

Unmedicated birth is a MENTAL game! Having some simple and memorable statements in your mind to hold onto while you’re …
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How to Protect Your Energy in Pregnancy

Whether you’re pregnant, postpartum, or deep in the ups and downs of motherhood – your ENERGY is a vital commodity …
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How to Prepare Your Body for Natural Birth

Pregnancy is such a sacred time. I love taking extra care of my body as I watch my belly grow …
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5 Reasons to Hire a Birth Doula

With our first baby, when my husband and I were discussing hiring a birth doula for our planned natural/unmedicated birth …
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How to Mentally Prepare for an Unmedicated Birth

Something I learned after having my first baby, preparing for an unmedicated birth is 80% MENTAL work and maybe 20% …
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5 Benefits of Line Drying Cloth Diapers Outdoors

Call it old fashioned, but line drying outdoors could be one of the best things you can do for your …
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Cloth Diapering is BEST – here’s why

On the fence about cloth diapering? I promise… it’s not as intimidating as it may seem. Here are just a …
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FAQs About Crunchy Mamas

Frequently Asked Questions What is a “crunchy” mother? There are certainly various levels of “crunchy,” all typically involve a preference …
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