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FAQs About Crunchy Mamas

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a “crunchy” mother?

There are certainly various levels of “crunchy,” all typically involve a preference towards approaching motherhood naturally and traditionally. Whether it reflects in physiological childbirth & home birth, breastfeeding, cosleeping, baby wearing, home remedies, homeschooling, cloth diapering, seeking “alternative” medicines, gardening, homesteading, etc., “crunchy” moms believe in following their instincts and getting back to humanities roots by trying to live more like our ancestors. 

Why would someone want to be “crunchy”? 

While the fast pace of our society can be convenient, faster does not always mean better, or more importantly… better for you. Most people who take the journey to become crunchier do so for their and their families physical, mental, and spiritual health. 

Are crunchy people Hippies?

Hippie, Naturalist, Bohemians, Granola Girls… are all similar ideologies to “crunchiness.” However, keep in mind that being crunchy is not necessarily tied to any political stance. More often than not, crunchy people think beyond politics by rejecting “systems” in place and prefer a more independent lifestyle.

What are some philosophies of crunchy mothers?
  • Trusting in the innate wisdom of the human body by not interfering with natural processes and instead believing that humans were designed intelligently. 
  • Trying natural/home remedies for various ailments and sickness prior to turning to pharmaceuticals or medical interventions.
  • Eating whole foods and making things from scratch. Canning, preserving food naturally, gardening, baking sourdough, fermenting foods, owning milking animals, and eating more similarly to our ancestors. 
  • Keeping babies close and responding to their needs immediately. Learning to read babies cues and understanding that babies were designed to desire closeness and protection to feel safe. This is accomplished through baby wearing, contact napping, cosleeping, breastfeeding, and rejecting all forms of sleep training and “cry it out” ideologies. 
  • Trying to be as independent from “systems” as possible by growing food, owning animals, homesteading, homebirthing, and homeschooling. 

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